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Administration, Catholic Church, Catholic Church Province of Quebec. Provincial Council 1873 : Québec, Quebec), Catholic Church Province of Quebec. Provincial Council 1878 : Québec, Quebec), Catholic Church Province of Quebec. Provincial Council 1886 : Québec, Quebec), Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, Catholic universities and colleges, Church and state, Church fund raising, Colonization, Congresses, Councils and synods, Provincial, Devotion to, Dioceses, Discipline, Ecclesiastical Visitations, Election, Encyclicals, Papal, Forty hours' devotion, Freemasons, Government, Holy year, 1875, Indulgences, Land settlement, Lord's Supper, Ordination, Papal Encyclicals, Pastoral letters and charges, Popes, Provincial Councils and synods, Saint Ann's Basilica (Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Quebec), Secret societies, Sunday, Université Laval, Visitations, Ecclesiastical, Encycliques, Francs-maçons, Église catholique, Mandements et lettres pastorales, Diocèses, Gouvernement, Collecte de fonds pour les églises, Église catholique. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, Culte, Visites pastorales, Quarante heures, Eucharistie, Église et État, Conciles et synodes provinciaux, Catholic Church. Province of Quebec. Provincial Council (5th : 1873 : Québec, Quebec), Église catholique. Province de Québec. Concile provincial (5e : 1873 : Québec, Québec), Universités catholiques, Sociétés secrètes, Dimanche, Holy Year, 1875, Année sainte, 1875, Colonisation intérieure, Colonisation, Papes, Élection, Église catholique. Province de Québec. Concile provincial (6e : 1878 : Québec, Québec), Congrès, Catholic Church. Province of Quebec. Provincial Council (6th : 1878 : Québec, Quebec), Basilique Sainte-Anne (Saint-Anne-de-Beaupré, Québec), Collecte de fonds pour les Églises, Église catholique. Province de Québec. Concile provincial (7e : 1886 : Québec, Québec), Catholic Church. Province of Quebec. Provincial Council (7th : 1886 : Québec, Quebec)Showing 10 featured editions. View all 26 editions?
Book Details
Edition Notes
En tête du titre: No. 74.
Microfiche de l'exemplaire de l'édition originale se trouvant au Séminaire de Québec, Bibliothèque. Ottawa : Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques, 1987.
8 p. ; 22 cm.
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- Created October 22, 2008
- 5 revisions
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July 26, 2012 | Edited by ImportBot | import new book |
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July 8, 2010 | Edited by Edward Betts | merge authors |
December 15, 2009 | Edited by WorkBot | link works |
October 22, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from University of Toronto MARC record |