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You'll read that Edna and Paul Headland gave twenty-six years to the translation of the Scriptures into the Tunebo language. But it's not a simple project. You'll come to appreciate all that is involved in preparation, language learning, cultural adjustments, isolation, and loneliness. You will also be made more aware of what it means to be outside of Christ, without hope, as you get a glimpse of the culture and customes of the Tunebos. From foreword.
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Previews available in: English
Translating, Missions, Missionaries, Biography, Tunebo Indians, Traduction, Missionnaires, Biographies, Tunebo (Indiens), BiblePeople
Edna de Headland, Paul HeadlandEdition | Availability |
His grace is sufficent: Bible translation with the Tunebo of Columbia
2016, Tate Publishing
in English
1682701794 9781682701799
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