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Elin is a woman of the pagan Forest People. Owen is the young Bishop of Chantalon. Amid the brutal onslaught of Viking invaders, they found each other, and their great love triumphed over violence. But now Elin's gift of "sight" warns of a new danger: a Norseman called Hakon who threatens her joyous union with Owen—and the future of her unborn child.
Set against a world of swords and splendor, treachery and honor, Beguiled is a mesmerizing saga of a time long ago—an age of luminous heroes, grand deeds, dark magic, and an unconquerable love.
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Previews available in: English
Bishops, Fiction, Vikings, France, History, France, fiction, Fiction, historical, generalPlaces
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Beguiled (Bookcassette(r) Edition)
January 1, 1997, Bookcassette
Audio Cassette
in English
- Multitrack edition
1561007277 9781561007271
3 |
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Sequel to: Devoted.
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