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""Please, take your fairy and go back on your adventures." Before Wendy and Michael and John, Peter might have shrugged and flown off home to fun and adventures. But since prams had changed their names and mothers and babysitters had taken over for governesses, there were no more Lost Boys to play with, or else they went somewhere else. And Peter, though young, still knew what loneliness was. So this time, he did not fly away so easily. Instead, he came up with a plan. "Come with me then," Peter said, hopping up into the air and flying in lazy circles, grazing the air just above her head. If Mary had no parents, then there would be no one to keep the window open for her, and if no one did that, if no one remembered that she was gone missing ... she would never leave Neverland. Just like he hadn't. And if she was a girl, she couldn't help it. Even a girl was better than having nothing but faeries to play with."--Page iii.
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The Wendy that stayed: a novel of Peter Pan
2008, KaviDog Press
in English
- 1st ed.
0615188850 9780615188850
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