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Editorial: Escape to Reality? - essay by Isaac Asimov
In the Country of the Blind, No One Can See - short story by Melisa Michaels
Keepersmith - novelette by Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron
Good Taste - novelette by Isaac Asimov
To Sin Against Systems - novelette by Garry R. Osgood
Louisville Slugger - short story by Jack C. Haldeman, II
A Delicate Shade of Kipney - short story by Nancy Kress
Air Raid - short story by John Varley [as by Herb Boehm]
A Many Splendored Thing - short story by Linda Isaacs
Boarder Incident - short story by Ted Reynolds
Low Grade Ore - novelette by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
The Missing Item - short story by Isaac Asimov
Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead - short story by Steve Perry [as by Jesse Peel]
Polly Plus - short story by Randall Garrett
A Time for Terror - novelette by Barry B. Longyear [as by Frederick Longbeard]
Perchance to Dream - short story by Sally A. Sellers
The Small Stones of Tu Fu - short story by Brian W. Aldiss
Born Again - short story by Sharon N. Farber
Good-Bye, Robinson Crusoe - novelette by John Varley
How It Happened - short story by Isaac Asimov
Quarantine - short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Cautionary Tales - short story by Larry Niven
A Bait of Dreams - novelette by Jo Clayton
Against a Crooked Stile - short story by Nancy Kress
Joelle - novella by Poul Anderson
Dance Band on the Titanic - novelette by Jack L. Chalker [as by Jack Chalker]
Softly Touch the Stranger's Mind - short story by E. Amalia Andujar
Lorelei at Storyville West - short story by Sherwood Springer
On the Way - short story by Conway Conley
The Napoli Express - novella by Randall Garrett
Darkside - novelette by Gary D. McClellan
No Room in the Stable - short story by A. Bertram Chandler
African Blues - short story by Paula Smith
Coming of Age in Henson's Tube - short story by William John Watkins [as by William Jon Watkins]
Home Team Advantage - short story by Jack C. Haldeman, II
Star Train - short story by Drew Mendelson
Bystander - short story by Alan Dean Foster
Time and Hagakure - short story by Steven Utley
Ghosts - short story by Keith Minnion
A Simple Outside Job - short story by Robert Lee Hawkins
The Last Defender of Camelot - novelette by Roger Zelazny
Lost and Found - short story by Michael A. Banks and George Wagner
Hellhole - short story by David Gerrold
The Man Who Took the Fifth - short story by Michael Schimmel
The Adventure of the Global Traveler or: The Global Consequences of How the Reichenbach Falls into the Wells of Iniquitie - short story by Anne Lear
Backspace - short story by F. M. Busby
On the Q167 File - short story by John M. Ford
Horseless Carriage - short story by Michael A. Banks
Pièce de Résistance - short story by J. F. Bone [as by Jesse Bone]
Lipidleggin' - short story by F. Paul Wilson
Omit Flowers - short story by Dean McLaughlin
Message to Myself - short story by Diana L. Paxson
One Rejection Too Many - short story by Patricia Nurse
But Do They Ride Dolphins? - short story by Frederick S. Lord, Jr.
When There's No Man Around - short story by Stephen Goldin
Longshot - short story by Jack C. Haldeman, II
Nothing for Nothing - short story by Isaac Asimov
To Fill the Sea and Air - short story by F. Paul Wilson
Guilt - novelette by James E. Gunn [as by James Gunn]
Proud Rider - novelette by Barry B. Longyear
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January 21, 2024 | Edited by bitnapper | merge authors |
December 28, 2022 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
October 13, 2022 | Edited by tmanarl | merge authors |
January 1, 2022 | Edited by YellowGalaxy | add authors |
March 18, 2020 | Created by Lisa | create new work |