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Covers American history from Washington's inauguration until the first quarter of the 19th century, including the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark's expedition, and the beginnings of abolitionism.
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History, Juvenile literature, United states, history, 1783-1865, United states, history, juvenile literature, United states, history, United states, history, 1783-1809, United states, history, colonial period, ca. 1600-1775, homeschool, Elementary Education, Lesson planning, United states, history, study and teachingPlaces
United StatesTimes
1783-1865Edition | Availability |
The new nation
2005, Oxford University Press
in English
- Rev. 3rd ed., Calif. ed.
0195182332 9780195182330
2 |
A History of US- The New Nation (1789-1850) #4
1999, Oxford University Press
in English
- 2nd ed.
0195127579 9780195127577
The New Nation: History of the United States 1789-1850 (History of U. S.)
November 1996, Oxford University Press
in English
0195110749 9780195110746
5 |
6 |
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-182) and index.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
Internet Archive item recordBetter World Books record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
Promise Item
Work Description
Beginning with George Washington's inauguration and continuing into the nineteenth century, The New Nation tells of Thomas Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory (bought from France for four cents an acre!), Lewis and Clark's daring expedition through the wilderness, the War of 1812 sometimes called the "Revolutionary War, Part II," Tecumseh's effort to form an Indian confederacy, the growth of Southern plantations, the beginning of the abolitionist movement, and the Trail of Tears. These dramatic events and more are woven into a tale that just happens to be true. It's a History of Us.
Full Series:
1.The First Americans (Prehistory-1600)
2.Making Thirteen Colonies (1600-1740)
3.From Colonies to Country (1735-1791)
4.The New Nation (1789-1850)
5.Liberty for All? (1820-1860)
6.War, Terrible War (1855-1865)
7.Reconstructing America (1865-1890)
8.An Age of Extremes (1880-1917)
9.War, Peace, and All That Jazz (1918-1945)
10.All the People: (Since 1945)
NOTE: Years may differ Depending on Edition
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