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The Cold Calculations - short story by Michael A. Burstein (variant of Cold Calculations)
They Twinkled Like Jewels - short story by Philip José Farmer
Lingua Franca - short story by Carole McDonnell
Dawn of Flame - novella by Stanley G. Weinbaum
Don't Jump - short story by Warren Lapine [as by Jamie Wild]
Youth - novelette by Isaac Asimov
Digger Don't Take No Requests - novelette by John Teehan
Lighter Than You Think - short story by Nelson S. Bond [as by Nelson Bond]
Garden of Souls - short fiction by M. Turville Heitz
The Variable Man - novella by Philip K. Dick
Starwisps - novelette by Edward J. McFadden [as by Edward J. McFadden, III]
Gorgono and Slith - short fiction by Ray Bradbury
I Was There When They Made the Video - short story by Cynthia Ward
The Perfect Host - novella by Theodore Sturgeon
That Universe We Both Dreamed Of - short story by Jay O'Connell
The Lake of Light - novelette by Jack Williamson
Lies, Truth, and the Color of Faith - short fiction by Gerri Leen
The Second Satellite - novelette by Edmond Hamilton
Hopscotch and Hottentots - short fiction by Lou Antonelli
No Place to Hide - short story by James S. Dorr [as by James Dorr]
Industrial Revolution - novella by Poul Anderson
The Visitor - short fiction by Ann Wilkes
Travel Diary - short story by Alfred Bester
Encounter in Redgunk - short story by William R. Eakin
The Indecorous Rescue of Clarinda Merwin - short story by Brenda W. Clough
Lost Paradise - novelette by C. L. Moore
Siblings - short story by Warren Lapine
Gun for Hire - short story by Mack Reynolds
The Answer - short story by H. Beam Piper
Pythias - short story by Frederik Pohl
Arm of the Law - short story by Harry Harrison
The Good Neighbors - short story by Edgar Pangborn
The Intruder - short story by Emil Petaja
The Six Fingers of Time - novelette by R. A. Lafferty
An Ounce of Cure - short story by Alan E. Nourse [as by Alan Edward Nourse]
The Hoofer - short story by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
The Stellar Legion - short story by Leigh Brackett
Year of the Big Thaw - short story by Marion Zimmer Bradley
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Edition | Availability |
Fantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1
Apr 03, 2018, Positronic Publishing
1515423107 9781515423102
2 |
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Source title: Fantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1
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November 10, 2022 | Edited by bitnapper | merge authors |
July 1, 2022 | Edited by dcapillae | merge authors |
June 23, 2022 | Edited by dcapillae | merge authors |
June 2, 2022 | Edited by dcapillae | merge authors |
March 27, 2019 | Created by ImportBot | import new book |