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Stephen Hawking's ‘A Brief History of Time* has become an international publishing phenomenon. Translated into thirty languages, it has sold over ten million copies worldwide and lives on as a science book that continues to captivate and inspire new readers each year. When it was first published in 1988 the ideas discussed in it were at the cutting edge of what was then known about the universe. In the intervening twenty years there have been extraordinary advances in the technology of observing both the micro- and macro-cosmic world. Indeed, during that time cosmology and the theoretical sciences have entered a new golden age . Professor Hawking is one of the major scientists and thinkers to have contributed to this renaissance.
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Cosmologie, Temps (durée), Espace-temps, Vulgarisation scientifique, Univers, Espace extraterrestre, Expansion, Cosmology, Origine, Trous noirs (astronomie), Cosmogonie, Big Bang, Espace et temps, Cosmologia, Time, Space and time, Einfühlung, Kosmologie, Open Library Staff Picks, Raum-Zeit, Einführung, Universe, Relativité (physique), Physics, Creation, Temps, Astronomy, Sciences de l'espace, Einfuhrung, Relativite (physique), Large type books, science, astrophysics, popular science, Black holes, nyt:audio-nonfiction=2018-04-08, New York Times bestseller, nyt:science=2014-03-09, Long Now Manual for Civilization, Universo, Cosmología, Quantum theory, Weltall, Raum und Zeit, Allgemeinwissen, Einheitliche Feldtheorie, Schwarzes Loch, Astrophysik, Kosmogonie, Zeit, Raum, Science, history, Black holes (Astronomy), Physique, Naturphilosophie, Théorie, Sciences, Astrophysique, Philosophie, Kosmologia, Popular works, Przestrzeń i czas, Fizyka, FilozofiaShowing 10 featured editions. View all 119 editions?
Edition | Availability |
时间简史: pu ji ban
2006, Hunan ke xue ji shu chu ban she
in Chinese
- Di 1 ban
7535744516 9787535744517
Historia del tiempo / A Brief History of Time: del big bang a los agujeros negros / From the Big Bang to Black Holes
May 2002, Critica
in Spanish
- Tra edition
9879317114 9789879317112
A brief history of time
1998, Bantam Books
in English
- Updated and expanded tenth anniversary ed.
0553109537 9780553109535
Het heelal: verleden en toekomst van ruimte en tijd
1996, Bakker
in Dutch
- 20e, herz. dr.
9035117832 9789035117839
05 |
A brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes
1990, Bantam Books
in English
0553052438 9780553052435
A brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes
1988, Bantam Press
in English
0593015185 9780593015186
A brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes
1988, Bantam Books
in English
0553052438 9780553052435
Historia del tiempo: del big bang a los agujeros negros
1988, Editorial Crítica
in Spanish
- 1a ed.
9684198159 9789684198159
10 |
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Edition Notes
Translation of: A brief history of time.
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Community Reviews (1)
February 23, 2025 | Edited by Oliver Macdonald GardenLeader | Edited without comment. |
January 29, 2025 | Edited by bitnapper | Merge works (MRID: 188941) |
July 14, 2024 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
March 17, 2024 | Edited by bitnapper | Merge works |
December 9, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |