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An academic satire - "A Poem in Cowardly Couplets in Three Books" - written in the vein of Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock." Hand typeset, printed, and bound on the Gryphon Press by the author in a limited hard-cover edition.
The Prologue, the Dilemma, and the Invocation. Faithful to the Greek, the poem then hastens into the first day, before Terrible Sacrifice is due the Inhuman Monster. The City of Uslusia secretly prepares to depose Syllabic Tyranny. The City is described, wherein the Queen's decree has summoned the finest Heroes of Hellas to contest their Battle Plans before the Throne. The Sacred Hall, and the people therein to hear the Speeches. Digressios first calls for Disordered Might to siege the Horrid Den. Syrkuitos then counters that his Magic Thread will best grip the Monster's Despair. Both are opposed by Melodios Borros, who proposes to sing to endless sleep the City's Curse. The Midget, then collapsing from Will, stirs the crowd to its plight. An answer is sought of Queen Ambivalla. The Priest offers a prayer. The Answer is delivered, and the People, rejoicing in their Deliverance, press their grateful Devotions upon the ensuing Victory.
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Satire, Alexander Pope, rhyming couplets, mock-heroic tragedy, poetryPeople
The Gods: Xerox, Karbon, Stensyllas, Manilla, Gestelnor, Telefax, etc.Places
The City of UslusiaTimes
Set in Attic GreeceEdition | Availability |
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February 7, 2012 | Edited by | Update covers |
February 7, 2012 | Edited by | Entered the descriptive text of the book. |
February 7, 2012 | Edited by | Added new cover |
January 30, 2012 | Created by Peter Taylor | Added new book. |