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FROM THE PREFACE: "This textbook introduces engineers and geoscientists to the structure, practice, and ethics of their professions and encourages them to apply ethical concepts in their professional lives. It is a comprehensive reference for engineers and geoscientists in any branch of these professions, in any province or territory of Canada. The book is intended for practising professionals, recent graduates, senior undergraduates, and immigrants who wish to practise engineering or geoscience in Canada. The book is an excellent study guide for the practice and ethics part of the Professional Practice Examination (PPE) required for licensing in every province and territory... This textbook is organized into five parts, covering four key aspects of practice and ethics, and a final part describing the professional practice exam."
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Previews available in: English
Vocational guidance, Earth scientists, Engineering, Engineering ethics, Earth sciences, Professional ethics, Earth sciences, vocational guidance, Engineering, vocational guidance, Textbooks, Geology, Ingénieurs, Manuels d'enseignement supérieur, Déontologie, Spécialistes des sciences de la terre, Ingénierie, GéologiePlaces
CanadaEdition | Availability |
Canadian professional engineering and geoscience: practice and ethics
2009, Nelson Education Ltd.
in English
- Fourth
0176441344 9780176441340
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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