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Previews available in: French
French language, Study and teaching, English speakers, Textbooks for second language learners, Civilization, Grammar, Composition and exercises, French, Foreign Language - Dictionaries / Phrase Books, Sound recordings for English speakers, Français (Langue), Manuels pour anglophonesPlaces
French-speaking countriesBook Details
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Includes index.
For English-speaking students of French as a second language at the university or college level.
OISE/UT CR CD-ROM available at Circulation desk.
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February 21, 2021 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
July 30, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | associate edition with work OL12837319W |
January 24, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | add more information to works |
December 11, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |