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A collection of aphorisms inspired by Wallace Stevens' collection of "Adagia," published in Opus Posthumous.
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Aphorisms and apothegmsPeople
Wallace StevensEdition | Availability |
Aphorisms: 80 short aphorisms on poetry and creativity
1982, Adela Press
in English
0969124805 9780969124801
Book Details
Edition Notes
Limited ed. of 200 copies.
Fisher copy: No. 90. With author's signature.
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Work Description
A poet is an observer who comments.
Science is a direction towards the specific; art is a direction towards the individual. Science explains; art exemplifies.
Any observation occurs on three levels: object, perception of object, perception. These roughly correspond to what it is, what you think it is, what you think.
Time is an eternal present forming and re-forming experience in the paradox of change.
Civilization in any age is a movement from the automatic to the voluntary. Progress, on the other hand, is a refinement in technology.
I imagine three planes of existence: awareness, knowledge, music.
The universe is an idea we inhabit.
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January 30, 2012 | Edited by Peter Taylor | Update covers |
January 30, 2012 | Edited by Peter Taylor | Added new cover |
January 30, 2012 | Edited by Peter Taylor | Added new cover |
January 29, 2012 | Edited by Peter Taylor | Added excerpts |
December 11, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |