Publishing History

This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
Year of Publication


Prolific Authors

who have written the most books on this subject
Marc Kielburger, 3 books
Jessica Cohn, 3 books
Victoria Parker, 3 books
Helen Gregory, 2 books
Amanda Rondeau, 2 books
Claudia Isler, 2 books
Arlene Erlbach, 2 books
Mary Lindeen, 2 books
Garth Sundem, 2 books
Barbara A. Lewis, 2 books
Phillip M. Hoose, 2 books
Maryann Miller, 2 books
Maria Nelson, 2 books
Chelsea Clinton, 2 books
Jill Keppeler, 2 books
Tamra Orr, 1 book
Sandra Donovan, 1 book
Audrey Borus, 1 book
Cath Senker, 1 book
Louise Spilsbury, 1 book
Elizabeth Raum, 1 book
Charlotte Taylor, 1 book
Bobbie Kalman, 1 book
Gail Saunders-Smith, 1 book
Jill C. Wheeler, 1 book